Our hotels offer reasonable cancellation conditions. So that you can plan your vacation safely and carefree, however you want.
Data protection and secure transactions using Thawte® SSL data encryption
Mo-Fr 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. Tel.: +43 6582 70660 info@saalfelden-leogang.at
Saalfelden Leogang Event GmbH Mittergasse 21a 5760 Saalfelden
Phone: +43-6582-70660 Fax: +43-6582-70660-99 Website: www.saalfelden-leogang.com E-Mail: info@saalfelden-leogang.at
Raiffeisenbank Pinzgau Mitte eGen IBAN: AT23 3505 3000 3407 3502 Bic: RVSAAT2S053
Commercial register No: 361166b Commercial register court: Landesgericht Salzburg Salex tax ID No: ATU66469109 Member of the Salzburg Economic Chamber