gymnastics, fitness, fitness center


At MYGYM you'll find everything you've been waiting for! Doing sports together is fun.
Leopold-Luger-Straße 1
5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer

We are MY GYM!

At MY GYM you'll find everything you've been waiting for! Doing sports together is fun. MY GYM is the place where you meet your friends or meet new ones. Because MY GYM is cool, trendy and offers fitness and health training at a fair price. Because "getting fit" should not be a question of money. At MY GYM, you only pay for what you really use. Excuses have no chance anymore.

That's MY GYM

- For your training high-quality training equipment of the brand Technogym are available.
- At MY GYM there is no permanent coaching, but training and nutrition seminars. In order to achieve your personal training goal, the club has standardized training plans for different goals and needs or you book a training session for planning with one of our trainers.
- Much of the MY GYM world works digitally. So you can also register via the website or manage your data online.

Additional Events


01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

Kräuter aus dem Garten für unsere Kinder

01. January 1980 - 31. December 2068

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